Three Most Common Barriers to Technology Integration

Training for Teachers - Many educators in the teaching community today have limited knowledge of technology, and if he or she does understand technology itself he or she may not know how to integrate it into the classroom. 
Proposed Solution -  We are moving closer to having more computer savvy teachers by requiring it as part of their training curriculum. However, this was not part of the required classes to become an educator in years past. Teachers who have not received this training should be required to take technology classes as part of his or her continuing education. Work shops or technology integration specialists should also be provided and encouraged. 
Cost to the School & Cost to Students and their Parents -  This is the most pressing issue at hand in technology integration. Many schools do not have the funding to provide the always advancing technology. Also, the schools that are able to implement technological lessons may be discriminating against students who can not afford the same technology at home.
Proposed Solution -  Some schools are reassessing their budget to fit in more technology driven lessons which is a great start. Title 1 schools, which some may argue need the funding most, are receiving funds and using them more and more for technological services including smart boards and and computers in every class. If more funds were provided to all schools, all students could benefit from more engaging technology rich lessons.
Time to create and change existing lessons -  Many teachers rely on the same lessons and strategies with minimal revision year after year. Implementing technology into lessons would take a lot of time to create and change, and then these lessons may not be as successful as previous lessons.
Proposed Solution -  Technology should be used as a support for the material, so if teachers understood that technology tools are a way of teaching the same thing a different way, rather than teaching a whole new lesson, I feel that they would be more willing to spend time in order to more effectively teach content. 

Presenting Concepts Effectively 

     Presenting concepts effectively is so important, especially when introducing new material. One great component of technology rich lessons is that many of the tools used can be reviewed and replayed as many times as the student needs. A PowerPoint can be viewed at the student's own speed in order for concepts to be effectively covered and understood. Also, PowerPoints, podcasts, webquests etc include graphics and video and sound clip to help convey the material on a deeper level.

Managing the Classroom Effectively 

     Classroom management can make or break student success. Transitions alone can be well managed and smooth or lost time that requires the teacher to refocus her class. Too much time is lost to non engaged activity. The best defense against this is to teach engaging lessons which technology plays a great role in. Also, technology allows for products to be created ahead of time so students are not becoming distracted while the teachers back is to them writing on the board. Also, with tools such as PowerPoint many systems are able to function with a remote with allows a teacher to move through the room freely without compromising the lesson. If a teacher was stuck to his or her desk at the front, it could leave him or her limited in use of proximity and other principle of least intervention techniques.